Perl engenders strong feelings among both its proponents and its detractors.
Welcome to The real world of the global Perl community at The Perl Wiki where The Real Truths, The Solid Facts and The Good Opinions (however formed) are readily discussed freely, openly and completely toward a global Concensus opinion about Perl. If you happen to tell a lie in this forum, or if you are just plain stupid or dead wrong about something, then you can expect that you will be quickly and properly corrected with The Absolute Truth and the very real facts, about the Perl that we love, cherish and actually use everyday to solve real problems. Nothing is perfect, including Perl, but there are no walls or boundaries here to hide behind, so The Real Truths, The Solid Facts and The Good Opinions will always prevail.
Perl Advocacy and Perl Argumentation are very welcomed things here at The Perl Wiki. Strangers are always welcome to come challenge us to a game of thinking very clearly and responding very appropriately, and the completion of a very proper discussion about Perl is a very highly esteemed event. Just prove us very wrong.
If you're a crank or a troll, then you'll simply be cut off at the head and the knees, very quietly of course, and we also call on Ms. Bobbitt as needed to meatiate in these somewhat more painful discussions, so beware of your midsection fellas, you might want to wear a cup for this game! :)
The Debate forum[]
Interesting Perl debates[]
- The Debate forum has just been started here at The Perl Wiki, so all are now welcomed to begin a new Perl topic.
The Steering Committee forum[]
Interesting Perl Wiki ideas[]
- The Steering Committee forum has also been started here at The Perl Wiki, so all are now welcomed to begin a new Perl Wiki topic to discuss the future direction of The Perl Wiki.